How I bury my feelings

Hey guys

I wrote some more poetry for you to enjoy. I had the death of my grandmother who had been ailing some time, yesterday and I didn't know how to cope. So I decided to write in order to keep my mind occupied. It was very tough being at her house and seeing her frail body. Of course you love everyone in your life equally but I haven't felt this much sadness since my paternal grandfather passed on six years ago. When they die I don't feel just a lost of a grandparent but a friend and mentor.

My mind is the devil’s playground and my thoughts are doing the late night shift
I can’t seem to concentrate
Contemplate, accelerate my thoughts begin to drift
Drift, swift, watch me descend into this cliff
Of never ending torture yet I can hardly wait

Sadistic yet masochistic, kind but not blind to my self destructive ways
Valium is like water quenching the pipes of my internal organs
My mind keeps playing my success and my fails
A silent movie with no tickets for sale
A place, a country with no president, no security, no borders

I torture myself because it is comical
Don’t try to play Jesus, a savior or martyr
My brain is on a one way trip to Nepal
Earthquakes, hurricanes destruction is maximal
As the world rests its head before dinner.


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